Friday, March 23, 2018

The many tendrils of a Sonic 3 level, part 2.5

Before we proceed any further in our analysis, a brief digression. On the subject of the Animate_Tiles function, reader Silver Sonic 1992 commented:
Lava Reef zone has some type of dynamically reloading tiles. Is it just garbage data?
I completely missed this the first time around. Amidst all the pointers to null routines, the Offs_AniFunc table actually contains a pointer to a properly-defined animation routine for Lava Reef Zone 1:
                 dc.w AnimateTiles_NULL-Offs_AniFunc
                 dc.w AniPLC_ALZ-Offs_AniFunc
                 dc.w AnimateTiles_LRZ1-Offs_AniFunc
                 dc.w AniPLC_ALZ-Offs_AniFunc
                 dc.w AnimateTiles_NULL-Offs_AniFunc
                 dc.w AniPLC_ALZ-Offs_AniFunc
Notably, apart from some tweaks to the target VRAM offsets to make the routine work also for act 2, as well as the fact that ArtUnc_AniLRZ__BG2 seemingly grew to 1.5x its size sometime after Sonic 3's release, the bulk of the routine is quite similar to the code found in Sonic & Knuckles:
AnimateTiles_LRZ1:                              AnimateTiles_LRZ1:
                                                    move.w  #$6400,d4
                                                    move.w  #$6880,d6
                                                    bra.s   loc_282D0
                                                ; ---------------------------------------------

                                                    move.w  #$6400,d4
                                                    move.w  #$6880,d6

    lea     (Anim_Counters).w,a3                    lea     (Anim_Counters).w,a3
    moveq   #0,d0                                   moveq   #0,d0
    move.w  ($FFFFEEE4).w,d0                        move.w  ($FFFFEEE4).w,d0
    sub.w   (Camera_X_pos_BG_copy).w,d0             sub.w   (Camera_X_pos_BG_copy).w,d0
                                                    subq.w  #1,d0
    divu.w  #$30,d0                                 divu.w  #$30,d0
    swap    d0                                      swap    d0
    cmp.b   1(a3),d0                                cmp.b   1(a3),d0
    beq.s   loc_27440                               beq.s   loc_2833C
    move.b  d0,1(a3)                                move.b  d0,1(a3)
    moveq   #0,d1                                   moveq   #0,d1
    move.w  d0,d2                                   move.w  d0,d2
    andi.w  #7,d0                                   andi.w  #7,d0
    lsl.w   #7,d0                                   lsl.w   #7,d0
    move.w  d0,d1                                   move.w  d0,d1
    lsl.w   #3,d0                                   lsl.w   #3,d0
    add.w   d0,d1                                   add.w   d0,d1
    move.l  d1,d5                                   move.l  d1,d5
    andi.w  #$38,d2                                 andi.w  #$38,d2
    move.w  d2,d0                                   move.w  d2,d0
    lsl.w   #3,d2                                   lsl.w   #3,d2
    add.w   d2,d1                                   add.w   d2,d1
    add.w   d2,d2                                   add.w   d2,d2
    add.w   d2,d1                                   add.w   d2,d1
    lsr.w   #1,d0                                   lsr.w   #1,d0
    lea     word_27446(pc,d0.w),a4                  lea     word_2834C(pc,d0.w),a4
    lea     (ArtUnc_AniALZ).l,a0                    lea     (ArtUnc_AniLRZ__BG).l,a0
    move.w  #$6020,d4
    add.l   a0,d1                                   add.l   a0,d1
    move.w  d4,d2                                   move.w  d4,d2
    move.w  (a4)+,d3                                move.w  (a4)+,d3
    add.w   d3,d4                                   add.w   d3,d4
    add.w   d3,d4                                   add.w   d3,d4
    jsr     (Add_To_DMA_Queue).l                    jsr     (Add_To_DMA_Queue).l
    move.l  d5,d1                                   move.l  d5,d1
    add.l   a0,d1                                   add.l   a0,d1
    move.w  d4,d2                                   move.w  d4,d2
    move.w  (a4)+,d3                                move.w  (a4)+,d3
    beq.s   loc_27440                               beq.s   loc_2833C
    jsr     (Add_To_DMA_Queue).l                    jsr     (Add_To_DMA_Queue).l

loc_27440:                                      loc_2833C:
                                                    cmpi.b  #$16,(Current_zone).w
                                                    beq.s   locret_2834A
    addq.w  #2,a3                                   addq.w  #2,a3
    bra.w   loc_2745E                               bra.w   loc_28364
; --------------------------------------------- ; ---------------------------------------------

                                                ; ---------------------------------------------
word_27446:                                     word_2834C:
    dc.w  $240,     0                               dc.w  $240,     0
    dc.w  $1E0,   $60                               dc.w  $1E0,   $60
    dc.w  $180,   $C0                               dc.w  $180,   $C0
    dc.w  $120,  $120                               dc.w  $120,  $120
    dc.w   $C0,  $180                               dc.w   $C0,  $180
    dc.w   $60,  $1E0                               dc.w   $60,  $1E0
; --------------------------------------------- ; ---------------------------------------------

loc_2745E:                                      loc_28364:
    moveq   #0,d0                                   moveq   #0,d0
    move.w  ($FFFFEEE2).w,d0                        move.w  ($FFFFEEE2).w,d0
    sub.w   (Camera_X_pos_BG_copy).w,d0             sub.w   (Camera_X_pos_BG_copy).w,d0
    andi.w  #$1F,d0                                 andi.w  #$1F,d0
    cmp.b   1(a3),d0                                cmp.b   1(a3),d0
    beq.s   locret_274BE                            beq.s   loc_283CC
    move.b  d0,1(a3)                                move.b  d0,1(a3)
    moveq   #0,d1                                   moveq   #0,d1
    move.w  d0,d2                                   move.w  d0,d2
    andi.w  #7,d0                                   andi.w  #7,d0
    lsl.w   #8,d0                                   lsl.w   #7,d0
                                                    move.w  d0,d1
                                                    add.w   d0,d0
                                                    add.w   d1,d0
    move.w  d0,d1                                   move.w  d0,d1
    move.l  d1,d5                                   move.l  d1,d5
    andi.w  #$18,d2                                 andi.w  #$18,d2
    move.w  d2,d0                                   move.w  d2,d0
    lsl.w   #3,d2                                   lsl.w   #2,d2
                                                    add.w   d2,d1
                                                    add.w   d2,d2
    add.w   d2,d1                                   add.w   d2,d1
    lsr.w   #1,d0                                   lsr.w   #1,d0
    lea     word_274C0(pc,d0.w),a4                  lea     word_283D2(pc,d0.w),a4
    lea     (ArtUnc_AniALZ).l,a0                    lea     (ArtUnc_AniLRZ__BG2).l,a0
    move.w  #$64A0,d4                               move.w  d6,d4
    add.l   a0,d1                                   add.l   a0,d1
    move.w  d4,d2                                   move.w  d4,d2
    move.w  (a4)+,d3                                move.w  (a4)+,d3
    add.w   d3,d4                                   add.w   d3,d4
    add.w   d3,d4                                   add.w   d3,d4
    jsr     (Add_To_DMA_Queue).l                    jsr     (Add_To_DMA_Queue).l
    move.l  d5,d1                                   move.l  d5,d1
    add.l   a0,d1                                   add.l   a0,d1
    move.w  d4,d2                                   move.w  d4,d2
    move.w  (a4)+,d3                                move.w  (a4)+,d3
    beq.s   locret_274BE                            beq.s   loc_283CC
    jsr     (Add_To_DMA_Queue).l                    jsr     (Add_To_DMA_Queue).l

locret_274BE:                                   loc_283CC:
                                                    addq.w  #2,a3
    rts                                             bra.w   loc_286E8
; --------------------------------------------- ; ---------------------------------------------
word_274C0:                                     word_283D2:
    dc.w   $80,     0                               dc.w   $C0,     0
    dc.w   $60,   $20                               dc.w   $90,   $30
    dc.w   $40,   $40                               dc.w   $60,   $60
    dc.w   $20,   $60                               dc.w   $30,   $90
; --------------------------------------------- ; ---------------------------------------------
Much like what happened with the level load block though, the uncompressed art used by this routine was completely wiped from the Sonic 3 ROM, leaving the code pointing at whatever data came next. In this case it's ArtUnc_AniALZ, which is uncompressed art normally used by Azure Lake's animation routine.


  1. At this point, I'm convinced Sonic 3 alone is just a published Sonic 3&K prototype.

    1. Uh, that's exactly what it is. The magic is in Sonic & Knuckles, where they had to design a way to somehow patch the prototype into a complete game.

    2. Makes you wonder how the game would have worked if it was never split.

  2. When you said all the Sonic & Knuckles zones contain an unaltered copy of Angel Island Zone's level load block; ID 0D instead seems to point at a few other offsets for some reason.

    1. Good catch. While all the other slots are pointing at the AIZ1 intro graphics like the actual AIZ slot, zone $0D act 1 -- the ending level where Sonic and Tails fly by Angel Island in the Tornado -- is already pointing at the main level graphics as it does in Sonic & Knuckles.

    2. So they must have planned to use Act 1 originally, instead of Act 2 like in Sonic & Knuckles.

    3. Ah shoot, you're right. Act 2 is the one used for the ending scene in Sonic & Knuckles. What's happening is the LoadLevelLoadBlock function (which loads the level load block) loads stuff from zone $D instead if the current level is AIZ1 and any star post has been set (including the fake one at the start of the act).

      I should really get around to blogging all of that.

  3. Got question for you, whats the deal in ice cap with snowpile that transports you to launch base?
