Friday, December 29, 2017

Roll height bugs, part 3

Modifying the player's hitbox when they curl into a ball can sometimes lead to unfortunate consequences. For example, they might be able to roll underneath badly-placed collision change objects and break the level collision. Also, because jumping makes the hitbox return to its regular size, players can get crushed in situations in which they would usually be fine, such as while breaking through Icecap Zone's stacked ice blocks.

However, there are times in which the game shines through. If Sonic breaks into a roll while upside down, the game will actually shift him up by five pixels rather than down, in order to keep him attached to the ceiling.

As we saw before though, when Sonic is rolling, the camera is programmed to aim five pixels above his actual position. Together with the change to his Y coordinate, this causes the camera to awkwardly jerk up a total of 10 pixels.

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